Posts in Entrees
Braised Pork Rice

For me, comfort food comes from a small, rusted cart located in the alley of a busy street in east Asia. In Taiwan, the night is reinvigorated by the hustle and bustle of the night market. Located across Taipei, and in each municipality, these markets overflow with the smell of fresh Taiwanese dishes, the multicolored lights of street carts and stores, and the dimmed chatter of vendors and passersby. There is something strangely comforting about the night market’s environment, with crowds of people gathered and enjoying the night under the neon glow of restaurant signs and lanterns.

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Rigatoni alla Salsiccia

Before returning home for breaks, I mentally compile a list of restaurants I want to visit. This summer, however, home wasn’t the same. When I returned to Atlanta in March, it dawned on me that not only would I be unable to visit these places to be reminded of old memories, but we also could not return to make new memories. A few weeks prior to Mother’s Day, my mom approached me and requested that I replicate her favorite meal--rigatoni with sausage and pink sauce Novo Cucina.

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EntreesCreme de Cornell
One Pot Korean Beef Stew

This recipe was modified from the authentic dish to have simple everyday ingredients that can be easily accessible in Anabel’s Grocery or in college town. The optional items will earn extra bonus points, but they’re not necessary in enjoying a delicious steaming bowl of soy umami. 

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