Arepas con Queso Fresco

By Elizabeth Villedrouin; Edited by Justin Liu


Welcome back to Cultural Replications!

Today’s recipe, in honor of our March Munchies theme of the month, is one of my favorite Latin American snacks. Arepas, similar to Salvadoran pupusas and Mexican gorditas, originated from Colombia and Venezuela and can be eaten at any time of the day and for any occasion. The dough for arepas is made out of masarepa: pre-cooked cornmeal (usually white). For the best results you’ll want to buy the brands Harina P.A.N or Goya, found in the Latin section of your local supermarket.

Arepas are quick to make and very versatile–you can fill or stuff them with anything you want or make them in any size and thickness! For today’s recipe, I decided to do a simple variation of arepas with Colombian queso fresco (fresh cheese).




  • 1 frying pan

  • ½ lb Colombian queso fresco

  • 2 cups pre-cooked white cornmeal

  • 2 ½ cups warm water

  • 2 tbsp salt

  • 1 tbsp of sugar

  • Butter or oil as needed


  1. Get excited. You’re about to make a really easy and delicious snack in under 20 minutes. So turn on some Shakira and get in touch with your inner Colombian!

  2. Pour the warm water, salt and sugar into a bowl and then slowly add the cornmeal.

  3. Knead the mixture until it’s smooth and not sticky. If the dough is too sticky, add some more cornmeal. If it’s too dry, add more water, one tablespoon at a time.

  4. Separate about a handful of dough (depending on your desired size and thickness) and roll it into a ball in the palm of your hands. Then pat it down and toss it between each hand so it forms a disk.

  5. Heat a frying pan to medium heat and spread butter or oil around the pan.

  6. Cut your queso fresco into small slices or crumbles. It’s your arepa, do what makes you happy!

  7. Place as many dough disks in your pan that can fit comfortably and cook them on each side for about 3 minutes.

  8. Remove the disks from the pan and place your queso fresco on top of one of the disks and then place a second disk on top of that, like a sandwich!

  9. Bueno, your arepa is ready! If you want your queso fresco to be melted (which is really yummy), place your arepas in the oven under 325℉ for 5 to 10 minutes.